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Mega 2560 R3 CH340G Micro USB 2.0 data Cable
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mega, Mother Boards, Show All, Show All BoardsMega 2560 R3 CH340G Micro USB 2.0 data Cable
Mega 2560 CH340G/ATmega2560 – compatible with Arduino Mega 2560 board. Built on the Atmel ATmega2560 microcontroller and USB-UART interface chip CH340G.
Board for functionality similar to the Arduino Mega 2560. It is a budget, but the same stable, and uses the original chips ATmega2560 (16 MHz).
The board used the chip CH340G as converter UART-USB. Chip CH340G – is a budget solution. When you work in the frequency 12Mhz, giving a stable result of data exchange (need install drivers to computer).
Mega 2560 CH340G / ATmega2560 – connects to the computer via microUSB cable (used for almost all Android smartphones).
SKU: MB1017