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Showing 26–40 of 40 results
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Pro Mini, Show All, Show All Boards
pro mini ATMEAG328 3.3V 8Mhz Arduino Compatible
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Pro Mini, Show All, Show All Boardspro mini ATMEAG328 3.3V 8Mhz Arduino Compatible
It’s the Enhancement V2 Pro Mini! It’s thin (0.8mm)!This Mini board with a adjustable voltage regulator(you can setting the output voltage by yourself) running the 16MHz bootloader . This Pro Mini V2 does not come with connectors populated so that you can solder in any connector or wire with any orientation you need.
The Enhancement V2 Pro Mini ,we used all SMD components, made it two layer, etc. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. The Enhancement V2 Pro Mini also works with the FTDI cable but the FTDI cable does not bring out the DTR pin so the auto-reset feature will not work.
ATmega328 running at 16MHz with adjustable voltage regulator(3.3V/5V)
USB connection off board
Supports auto-reset
Max 150mA output
Over current protected
Reverse polarity protected
DC input 5V up to 12V
On board Power and Status LEDs
SKU: MB1009 -
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Pro Mini, Show All, Show All Boards
Pro Mini Atmega328 5V 16Mhz Black Version Arduino Compatible
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Pro Mini, Show All, Show All BoardsPro Mini Atmega328 5V 16Mhz Black Version Arduino Compatible
1. Arduino-compatible Board. New.
2. ATmega328 running at 16MHz with external resonator (0.5% tolerance)
3. USB connection off board
4. Supports auto-reset
5. Max 150mA output
6. Over current protected
7. Reverse polarity protected
8. DC input 5V up to 12V
9. On board Power and Status LEDs
10. Size:(Long)33mm *(wide1)18 mm *(high)6mm
SKU: MB1010 -
Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Other Boards, STM32 Series, Uncategorized
STM32F030F4P6 ARM CORTEX STM32 F030F4P6 M0 Core 32-bit 48MHz Mini System Development Board
Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Other Boards, STM32 Series, UncategorizedSTM32F030F4P6 ARM CORTEX STM32 F030F4P6 M0 Core 32-bit 48MHz Mini System Development Board
ARM CORTEX STM32 F030F4P6 STM32F030F4P6 M0 Core 32-bit 48MHz Mini System Development Board
SKU: MB1052 -
Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Other Boards, STM32 Series
STM32F407VGT6 Discovery ARM Cortex-M4 32bit Board
Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Other Boards, STM32 SeriesSTM32F407VGT6 Discovery ARM Cortex-M4 32bit Board
STM32F407VGT6 Discovery ARM Cortex-M4 32bit Board in sri lanka
Core: ARM 32-bit Cortex-M4 CPU with FPU,
Adaptive real-time accelerator allowing 0-wait state execution from Flash memory, frequency up to 168 MHz,
memory protection unit, 210 DMIPS/SKU: MB1012 -
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mega, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Boards, STM32 Series
STM32F429I Discovery STM32 Embeded ST-LINK V2 Evaluation Development Board Touch Screen STM32F4 STM32F429
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mega, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Boards, STM32 SeriesSTM32F429I Discovery STM32 Embeded ST-LINK V2 Evaluation Development Board Touch Screen STM32F4 STM32F429
STM32F429I Discovery STM32 Embeded ST-LINK V2 Evaluation Development Board in sri lanka
SKU: MB1048 -
Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Boards, Show All Other Boards, STM32 Series, Uncategorized
STM8S-Discovery Evaluation Development Board Embedded ST-Link STM8S105C6T6 STM8S105 STM8
Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Boards, Show All Other Boards, STM32 Series, UncategorizedSTM8S-Discovery Evaluation Development Board Embedded ST-Link STM8S105C6T6 STM8S105 STM8
The STM8S-DISCOVERY helps you to discover the STM8S features and to develop and share your own application.
Even though the STM8S-DISCOVERY is built around an STM8S105C6T6, it allows evaluation of the main features of all the STM8S Access line MCUs. It includes an embedded debugger ST-Link, and a touch sensing button.
SKU: MB1047 -
Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Other Boards, Uno
UNO R3 Atmega328P 16U2 PLUS Sensor I/O Expansion Board
Arduino Compatible, Mother Boards, Other Boards, Show All, Show All Other Boards, UnoUNO R3 Atmega328P 16U2 PLUS Sensor I/O Expansion Board
The UNO is an for Arduino compatible board. It is based on for Arduino UNO Rev3 design. Some visible improvement on hardware make more flexible and easier to use. SPI, COM and IIC bus breakout make bus connect easier. The for Arduino Uno Rev3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
SKU: MB1014 -
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mega, Mother Boards, Show All, Show All Boards
Mega 2560 R3 CH340G Micro USB 2.0 data Cable
Arduino Compatible, Arduino Compatible, Mega, Mother Boards, Show All, Show All BoardsMega 2560 R3 CH340G Micro USB 2.0 data Cable
Mega 2560 CH340G/ATmega2560 – compatible with Arduino Mega 2560 board. Built on the Atmel ATmega2560 microcontroller and USB-UART interface chip CH340G.
Board for functionality similar to the Arduino Mega 2560. It is a budget, but the same stable, and uses the original chips ATmega2560 (16 MHz).
The board used the chip CH340G as converter UART-USB. Chip CH340G – is a budget solution. When you work in the frequency 12Mhz, giving a stable result of data exchange (need install drivers to computer).
Mega 2560 CH340G / ATmega2560 – connects to the computer via microUSB cable (used for almost all Android smartphones).
SKU: MB1017